“Prioritize parents before impressing at clubs”: Young lady loads foods on car

  • A woman who loaded food into a car became an online sensation for her poignant message
  • She stressed the importance of caring for our parents before trying to impress peers at social gatherings
  • Her message struck a chord with many, affirming their own intentions to prioritize family once financially able

A young lady, spotted whilst loading food into her vehicle, had previously captured online attention due to her significant message to everyone.

She talked about the importance of ensuring our parents’ well-being before even contemplating the idea of impressing our friends at social gatherings.

The lady showed moment she was loading foodLady gives advise. Photo credit: @trizakamSource: TikTok

Her message had resonated with many, who affirmed that her sentiments mirrored their own intentions once they had acquired wealth.

As shared by @trizakim, this narrative emphasises the value of family care and responsible financial priorities.

Watch the video below:

TheTalk.NG compiled some of the reactions below:

Okidamaris said:

“This is me in 2yrs to come.”

Minnie wrote:

“I wish I can do this for mum but she will share with all the village next week uskie hana anything.”

Trizah KK responded:

“I feel you but just make sure there is enough…my mum does the same.”

Juliecrimson6 commented:

“I don’t know how this will reach my brothers.”


“One of my wish is just to do this for my mum.”


“Where do you shop?”

More V:

“This me whenever am going home mum.”

Lady buys grinding machine for her mother

Meanwhile, TheTalk.NG earlier reported that a heartwarming act by a Nigerian lady, who surprised her mother with a grinding machine, quickly gained traction on TikTok, touching the hearts of viewers.

The video depicted the mother, initially unsuspecting of the surprise, eagerly moving towards her daughter for a warm greeting.

As shared by @gemelo_clothing, the profound joy and sincere appreciation that swept over her upon discovering the gift were clearly visible, resulting in a deeply moving display of gratitude.

Nigerian lady gifts parents 7-bedroom house

In another related story, TheTalk.NG reported that one Nigerian woman decided to express her love and appreciation for her parents in the most amazing way.

She surprised them with a brand-new 7-bedroom house as a Christmas gift, and shared it in a TikTok video.

She demonstrated that she wanted to thank her parents for everything they had done for her, and that building them a house was her way of fulfilling their wishes.

Source: TheTalk.NG

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