- A landlord was met with a nauseating sight after forcing his way into a flat he rented to someone for two years
- The landlord found 200 bottles of urine in the unkempt flat and bags of faeces, quite to his surprise
- A short video showed the state the unidentified tenant left the flat behind in and elicited reactions
After two years, a landlord forced his way into a tenant’s flat and was shocked to find 200 bottles of urine and bags of faeces.
Daily Mail Australia shared a video of the disgusting state of the flat on its verified TikTok page and shed more light on the discovery.
The landlord found 200 bottles of urine.
Stock photo. Posed by model.
Photo Credit: The Good Brigade, Education ImagesSource: Getty Images
Daily Mail Australia said the landlord considered an eviction the last option because the occupant of the flat refused to let him carry out checks on the property throughout the period he was an occupant.
Upon forcefully gaining entry, the landlord found the massive waste. The landlord claimed he could barely open the door as there were three feet of rubbish behind it. Daily Mail Australia wrote:
“The landlord said he felt as though eviction was the ‘last resort’ as the resident refused to let him carry out checks on the property for the two years they lived there. When he finally gained entry to the flat, he claimed that he could barely open the door because there was three feet of rubbish behind it.”
A video of what was found inside the flat has generated a buzz online.
Watch the video below:
Reactions trail video of the flat
ronnir fangon believer said:
“And u decided to count all the bottles And how many faeces.”
user6967853923057 said:
“This is wickedness.”
WinnieTheboo🇳🇬🇺🇲 said:
“Wo na to find am go where e newly pack go 😒 I dey follow u play dat kind play, teeth go surplus makachi.”
Palomino said:
“I’d shovel it on a truck and dump it in their driveway at their new residence!!”
Morinyo said:
“Do that in Africa and u will walk back and clean it yourself using witchcraft.”
Emma said:
“Seems this flat was just a toilet… He had a better flat he would go to sleep.”
blue said:
“I know how you can get to the point in life. please god don’t let me get to this point in life.”
Rob said:
“Is this after the first 6 month inspection by the real estate agent?”
In a related story, TheTalk.NG reported that a landlord was caught sneaking into a tenant’s house.
Tenant gets quit notice for bringing girls
Meanwhile, TheTalk.NG previously reported that a landlord had given a tenant quit notice for always bringing girls home.
The quit notice issued to the tenant was shared on social media and elicited mixed reactions. The landlord said it became necessary as the tenant failed to heed a series of warnings about his sexual activities. A part of the notice read:
“…Several warnings have been handed over to desist from your indiscriminately sexual activity to no avail. You are hereby given to the end of November to vacate the apartment currently occupied by you.”
Source: TheTalk.NG