All DnD races, species and their unique abilities explained

Dungeons & Dragons (DnD) is a popular fantasy role-playing online video game. Unlike traditional war games, DnD allows the player to create their own race, character, and unique abilities using DnD races and species. DnD races represent the different species, while your DnD species determines a player’s character size, speed, and unique abilities. Discover all the DND races, species, and their unique abilities.

Elf (L), Aasimar (C), and Dragonborn (R)Elf (L), Aasimar (C), and Dragonborn (R) are among the DnD races. Photo: @myrmidia, @tea.and.tails, @noctuscreatures (modified by author)Source: UGC


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Key takeaways

  • Race or species is a rule in Dungeons & Dragons that refers to the fantasy ancestry of a character.
  • Dungeons & Dragons features a wide range of races, from classic humanoids like Elves, Humans, and Aasimar to exotic creatures like Tieflings, Gnomes, and Dragonborns.
  • Each DnD race comes with unique traits, such as ability score increases, speed, and size, giving players more diverse character builds.
  • Many DnD races have subraces, allowing further customization options and more specialized abilities.
  • Most DnD races have special senses, such as Darkvision, Damage Resistance, and Survival, providing an advantage in battle.

All DnD races and species

Dungeons & Dragons is a game to play with friends and family. It has 10 core races in the 2024 Player’s Handbook and nine in the 2014 Player’s Handbook. Additionally, other ‘fantastical’ DnD races include lineages but exclude third-party DnD books and species in non-book supplements. Below are the main DnD races and species.


DnD Aasimar holding a crowDnD Aasimar holding a crow. Photo: @tea.and.tails on Instagram (modified by author)Source: UGC

  • Size: Medium or Small
  • Best classes: +2 and +1, two different stats
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Ability scores: Cleric, Warlock, Paladin

Aasimar are humanoids with a celestial influence, resistant to radiant and necrotic damage. Some of their traits include Celestial Resistance, Darkvision, Healing Hands, Light Bearer, and Celestial Revelation.


DnD race Dragonborn holding his weaponDnD race Dragonborn holding his weapon. Photo: @noctuscreatures on Instagram (modified by author)Source: UGC

  • Size: Medium
  • Best classes: Warlock, Paladin, and Barbarian
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Ability scores: +2 Strength, +1 Charisma

The Dragonborn comes from dragon ancestors hatched from chromatic and metallic eggs. They are widely recognised for their scaly, wingless appearance. The race is a good choice for game players who want to create a beefy damage dealer, such as a cleric, fighter, or barbarian. The DnD Dragonborn traits include Breath Weapon, Damage Resistance, Darkvision, View Dragonborn, and Draconic Flight.


DnD Dwa*f wearing his hand weaponDnD Dwarf wearing his hand weapon. Photo: @forrest_i on Instagram (modified by author)Source: UGC

  • Size: Medium
  • Best classes: Cleric, Fighter, Barbarian, Druid
  • Speed: 25 feet (2014) or 30 feet (2024)
  • Ability scores: +2 Constitution

Dwarf are humanoid creatures resistant to poison damage and have the ability to save throws against being poisoned. For more resilient players, a Hill Dwarf is best as it increases their wisdom score and maximum hit points. Players who are fighters should choose a Mountain Dwarf for additional strength in medium and light armour.


DnD Elf looking to the side in the snowy mountainsDnD Elf looking to the side in the snowy mountains. Photo: @birmit_c on Instagram (modified by author)Source: UGC

  • Size: Medium
  • Best classes: Rogue, Warlock, Ranger, Wizard
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Ability scores: +2 Dexterity

Elves are tall and sleek creatures with pointy ears. The DnD beings are graceful and feel most at home in ethereal forests. Their special traits include Darkvision, Insight, Perception, and Survival. Elves can save throws against being charmed and enter trances instead of sleeping at night. Therefore, they are better picks for players who favour agility and magic.


Gnome wizard holding the magic ballGnome wizard holding the magic ball. Photo: @iromonik_art on Instagram (modified by author)Source: UGC

  • Size: Medium
  • Best classes: Rogue, Warlock, Ranger, Wizard
  • Speed: (25ft 2014) or 30 feet (2024)
  • Ability scores: +2 Dexterity

The DnD Gnomes originate from small burrows in forests and hillsides. The magical folks were created by gods of illusions, invention, and life underground. The race is known to be curious, cunning, adventurous, and have an edgy personality. Gnomes’s special traits include Darkvision, Gnomish Cunning, and Gnomish Lineage.


Haffling DnD reading a scroll while carrying weaponsHaffling of DnD reading a scroll while carrying weapons. Photo: @cearleyclint on Instagram (modified by author)Source: UGC

  • Size: Small
  • Best classes: Rogue, Bard, and Ranger
  • Speed: 25 feet (2014) or 30 feet (2024)
  • Ability scores: +2 Dexterity (2014)

Halflings are probably the most iconic small race in DnD. They are brave and possess an adventurous spirit leading them on journeys of discovery. Their special traits and abilities include Halfling Nimbleness, Luck, bravery, and natural stealthiness.


DnD Half-elf warrior holding a spearDnD Half-elf warrior holding a spear. Photo: @artofreeve on Instagram (modified by author)Source: UGC

  • Size: Medium
  • Best classes: Bard and Sorcerer
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Ability scores: +2 Strength, +1 any other stat

DnD Half-elf characters were born by Human and Elf parents and inherit both of their ancestral traits. Their racial traits include Darkvision, Fey Ancestry, and Skill Versatility. Half-elves are versatile races in the game, as they easily adapt to support any class, allowing players to reassess their ability score.


DnD Goliath Barbarian holding an axeDnD Goliath Barbarian holding an axe. Photo: @birmit_c on Instagram (modified by author)Source: UGC

  • Size: Medium
  • Best classes: Fighter, Barbarian
  • Speed: 30 feet (2014) or 35 feet (2024)
  • Ability scores: +2 Strength, +1 two different stats or +1 any three (2014 rules)

Goliaths are giant kin characters that are as durable as granite. They make for great martial characters and have a unique trait to reduce damage a few times per day. Goliaths are excellent front-line martial due to their ability to mitigate incoming damage.


DnD Half-Orc character holding a horn and a weaponDnD Half-Orc character holding a horn and a weapon. Photo: @FrostLlamzon on X (Twitter) (modified by author)Source: UGC

  • Size: Medium
  • Best classes: Fighter, Barbarian
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Ability scores: +2 Strength, +1 Constitution (2014)

Half-orcs have Human and Orc ancestry, and they resemble the classic Tolkien-esque creatures. They are mighty and durable and rise to become leaders of orc communities. Some of their traits include Darkvision, Menacing, Savage Attacks, and Relentless Endurance.


DnD Human race standing on the streetDnD Human race standing on the street. Photo: @lylakc_ on Instagram (modified by author)Source: UGC

  • Size: Small or Medium
  • Best classes: All
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Ability scores: +1 in all stats, +1 in two stats (2014)

Human characters are the most adaptable and ambitious people among the DnD races. They are ambitious and explore the world. Although they have a short lifespan, they are the innovators, achievers, and pioneers of the lands.


DnD races Orc Brutalizer in his gearDnD races Orc Brutalizer in his gear. Photo: @artofreeve on Instagram (modified by author)Source: UGC

  • Size: Medium
  • Best classes: Fighter, Cleric, Paladin
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Ability scores: +1 and +2 for any two stats or +1 for any three stats (2014)

Orcs are iconic fantasy humanoids that have evolved throughout several variations of 5e’s history. Although they are stereotyped as villains, they have imposing strength and can wander great plains, churning seas, and vast caverns. Some of their traits include Adrenaline Rush, Darkvision, and Relentless Endurance.


DnD female Tiefling holding a feather and a scrollDnD female Tiefling holding a feather and a scroll. Photo: @lylakc_ on Instagram (modified by author)Source: UGC

  • Size: Small or Medium
  • Best classes: Wizard, Warlock, Sorcerer
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Ability scores: +2 Charisma, +1 Intelligence (2014)

Tieflings are humanoid DnD races with fiendish ancestors or were born in the Lower Planes. They get innate spellcasting and are fire and damage-resistant. Some of their character traits include Darkvision, Fiendish Legacy, and Otherworldly Presence.


Aarakocra DnD 5e holding a longswordAarakocra DnD 5e holding a longsword. Photo: @ire.and.dice on Instagram (modified by author)Source: UGC

  • Size: Medium
  • Best classes: Fighter, Rogue, Ranger
  • Speed: 25 feet to 50 feet
  • Ability scores: +2 Dexterity, +1 Wisdom

Aarakocras are among the animal DnD races. They are known to be super fast in speed and flight. The bird creatures have large pairs of feathered wings sprouting on their backs. Their traits include Racial Traits, Flight, Talons, and Wind Caller.

Astral Elf

A female Astral Elf also known as the SpelljammerA female Astral Elf also known as the Spelljammer. Photo: @kal_ai_doscope on Instagram (modified by author)Source: UGC

  • Size: Medium
  • Best classes: Bard
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Ability scores: +2 and +1 for two different stats or +1 for any three

Astral elves come from the Astral Plane and can be very old. Their longevity gives them a unique perspective on time passage.


Autognome 5e looking at his handAutognome 5e looking at his hand. Photo: @dndbeyond on Instagram (modified by author)Source: UGC

  • Size: Small
  • Best classes: All
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Ability scores: +2 and +1 for two different stats or +1 for any three

Autognome 5e appeared in the 5th edition of Spelljammer books. The race has a metal body which acts as a base amour. Some of its traits include Construct, Armored Casing, Built for Success, and Healing Machine.


Bugbear holding a metal barBugbear holding a metal bar. Photo: @ancient_star_official on Instagram (modified by author)Source: UGC

  • Size: Medium
  • Best classes: Barbarian, Warlock, Monk
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Ability scores: +2 and +1 for two different stats or +1 for any three

Bugbears are terrifying goblinoid predators with ong limbs that allow them extended reach, making them exceptionally dangerous. Some of their traits include Darkvision, Fey Ancestry, Powerful Build, Sneaky, and Surprise Attack.


Centaur holding a sword while walking along the beachCentaur holding a sword while walking along the beach. Photo: @fantasy_animals on Instagram (modified by author)Source: UGC

  • Size: Medium
  • Best classes: Barbarian, Fighter
  • Speed: 40 feet
  • Ability scores: +2 and +1 for two different stats or +1 for any three

These iconic fey, half-humanoid, half-horse creatures have excellent speed and a great charge option. Other benefits attached to them include proficiency in Animal Handling, Nature, Survival, and Medicine.


Changelings monk in a purple outfit and a sword at the backChangelings monk in a purple outfit and a sword at the back. Photo: @thebeardlyben on Instagram (modified by author)Source: UGC

  • Size: Medium or small
  • Best classes: Bard and Rogue
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Ability scores: +2 and +1 for two different stats or +1 for any three

Changelings are shapeshifters that can change their faces at will, Changelings use a new face to reveal their sour or just as a disguise. Their racial traits include Fey, Changeling Instincts, and Shapechanger.


Eladrin holding a bow and arrowEladrin holding a bow and arrow. Photo: @iromonik_art on Instagram (modified by author)Source: UGC

  • Size: Medium
  • Best classes: Cleric, Druid
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Ability scores: +2 and +1 for two different stats or +1 for any three

Eladrin are elves that hail from Feywild, a place of boundless magic and beauty. Their racial traits are Elf, Darkvision, Fey Ancestry, Keen Senses, Fey Step, and Trance.


Genasi barbarian of DnD holding a double masked rodGenasi barbarian of DnD holding a double masked rod. Photo: @prokaryartsllc on Instagram (modified by author)Source: UGC

  • Size: Medium
  • Best classes: Paladin and Ranger
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Ability scores: +2 and +1 for two different stats or +1 for any three

Genasi are descended from efreet, which are the genies of the Elemental Plane of Fire. It channels the flamboyant, destructive nature of flame. Traits include Darkvision, Fire Resistance, and Reach to the Blaze


Giff wandering through the universeGiff wandering through the universe. Photo: @i.heart.dan on Instagram (modified by author)Source: UGC

  • Size: Medium
  • Best classes: Fighter
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Ability scores: +2 and +1 for two different stats or +1 for any three

Giff has great strength checks and is proficient with firearms. They are also good for melee builds, and easy access to firearms is also a major damage boost.


Astra Vaal, Githyanki Circle of the Stars DruidAstra Vaal, Githyanki Circle of the Stars Druid. Photo: on Instagram (modified by author)Source: UGC

  • Size: Medium
  • Best classes: Fighter, Bard
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Ability scores: +2 and +1 for two different stats or +1 for any three

Githyanki was initially a subrace of the Gith in Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes. It was later updated in Monsters of the Multiverse as its race. Githyanki traits include free proficiencies, innate spellcasting, and reduction of psychic damage.


Githzerai DnD 5e in battleGithzerai DnD 5e in battle. Photo: @fire.and.dice on Instagram (modified by author)Source: UGC

  • Size: Medium
  • Best classes: Sorcerer
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Ability scores: +2 and +1 for two different stats or +1 for any three

The Githzerai are cousins with the Githyanki. The pair of characters gained psionic abilities when they were trapped in subservience to Mind Flayers. Their racial traits include Githzerai Psionics, Mental Discipline, and Psychic Resilience.


Goblin wearing a hat under the skyGoblin wearing a hat under the sky. Photo: @clarafang12 on Instagram (modified by author)Source: UGC

  • Size: Small
  • Best classes: Fighter, Wizard, Ranger
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Ability scores: +2 and +1 for two different stats or +1 for any three

Goblins are exceptionally mobile and pursue their destinies. They are great for players who are not planning to stand still in a fight. Their traits include Goblinoid, Darkvision, Fey Ancestry, and Nimble Escape.


Hadozee shipmate swinging with a mopHadozee shipmate swinging with a mop. Photo: @tallinier on Instagram (modified by author)Source: UGC

  • Size: Small or medium
  • Best classes: All
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Ability scores: +2 and +1 for two different stats or +1 for any three

Hadozees are humanoids that resemble monkeys and are more like flying squirrels. They have wing-like skin flaps that help them glide through the air.


Hexblood posing for a photoHexblood posing for a photo. Photo: @saffronstitched on Instagram (modified by author)Source: UGC

  • Size: Small or medium
  • Best classes: Warlock, Fighter, Rogue
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Ability scores: +2 and +1 for two different stats or +1 for any three

Hexbloods are humanoid video game characters that are heavily influenced and altered by Fey magic and witchcraft. They allow players to gain two extra skill proficiencies or inherit special move speeds.


  • Size: Medium
  • Best classes: Druid, Cleric
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Ability scores: +2 Wisdom, +1 Charisma

These humanoids hail from Eberron and have a powerful link to the plane of dreams. They can also communicate telepathically and are resistant to psychic damage.


DnD Kenku with a sword on his backDnD Kenku with a sword on his back. Photo: @hailiedrescher1 on Facebook (modified by author)Source: UGC

  • Size: Medium
  • Best classes: Bard
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Ability scores: +2 and +1 for two different stats or +1 for any three

Kenku are crow people who can mimic sounds. They have the power to forge other people’s craftwork.


A female Triton DnD 5e holding a forkA female Triton DnD 5e holding a fork. Photo: @itscarliart on Instagram (modified by author)Source: UGC

  • Size: Medium
  • Best classes: All
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Ability scores: +2 and +1 two different stats or +1 any three

The Triton 5e is a great choice for those looking to wage war undersea. It is among the handy aquatic dnd races. Their Amphibious nature allows them to breathe in water and have a super swimming speed.

What is the rarest race in DnD?

According to FiveThirtyEight news, the rarest DnD races are Aasimar. They are not genetic but more of a celestial blessing. Not much is known about them except that they are divine gifts.

What race has +2 charisma?

There are a few DnD races and classes with +2 Charismability to score in the video game. They include Aasimar, Changeling, and Verdan.

What is the weakest race in DnD?

Dragonborn is the weakest DnD race in the PHB races. It looks very much like a dragon standing in humanoid form.

Dungeons & Dragons (DnD) allows players to create their races and species, adding a delightful twist to their tabletop adventures. There are numerous races and species with different traits to choose from. The above is a list of all DnD races and species players can create to help them enhance their game.

TheTalk.NG recently published an article on the Marvel Rivals tier list, ranking characters based on their strength and abilities. If you’re a fan of this exciting hero shooter, understanding the best characters can give you a competitive edge.

The article provides a detailed ranking, breaking down the most powerful heroes and their unique abilities. Whether you’re new to the game or looking to refine your strategy, this guide will help you choose the best characters for victory.

Source: TheTalk.NG

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