30 iconic Star Wars tattoo ideas that are out of this world

Ever since its premiere in 1977, the Star Wars franchise has captivated many people across generations. If you are a Star Wars and body art fan, you probably have considered getting tattoos of some of the series’ characters, spaceships and symbols to show your love for the franchise. You can choose from several Star Wars tattoos for men and women in this piece.

Star Wars tattoos featuring Stormtrooper Helmet (L), Ahsoka Tano (C), Baby Yoda (R)Star Wars tattoos featuring Stormtrooper Helmet (L), Ahsoka Tano (C), and Baby Yoda (R). Photo: @clotoacherontia.tattoo, @StarWarsInk, @edocinktattoostudio on Facebook (modified by author)Source: UGC


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Star Wars tattoos are becoming increasingly popular. Many people get them to show their love and appreciation for the science fiction series. For others, the tattoos are a vibrant way of displaying their personalities and identities. Whether you are a diehard fan of the series or just want to associate yourself with the series, you can pick from several tattoo ideas available.

Iconic Star Wars tattoo ideas

The Star Wars universe has inspired many to embrace dark and light forces. Depending on your preference, you can find a tattoo that suits your personality. Below is a compilation of some of the best Star Wars tattoo symbols you can consider for your next body art.

1. The Rebel Alliance emblem

The Rebel Alliance emblemBack and arm Rebel Alliance emblem tattoo. Photo: @OldSchoolTattooandPiercing, @BrielleTattoo on Facebook (modified by author)Source: UGC

The Rebel Alliance Emblem is a simple yet elegant tattoo that is a great choice for minimalists. It is usually associated with freedom, hope, and rebellion. This symbol represents the Alliance’s goal to restore the Galactic Republic. Since it is a small Star Wars tattoo, it can be placed on the ankle, collarbone, or wrist.

2. The Galactic Empire Insignia

The Galactic Empire InsigniaThe Galactic Empire Insignia tattoo on arms. Photo: @tattoosbypickles, @minorinkuk on Facebook (modified by author)Source: UGC

This is a six-spoked symbol of the Galactic Empire, which may also be referred to as the Imperial Insignia or logo. It is associated with the empire’s might and signifies imperial control. You can place this symbol on your forearms or upper arms, where it is easily visible.

3. Lightsabers in action

Lightsabers in ActionLightsabers tattoos on wrists. Photo: @InfamousTattooStudioIndy, @BennyRome.Ink on Facebook (modified by author)Source: UGC

This symbol is one of the most popular Star Wars tattoos, and it has multiple colour variations. Depending on the colour, it may signify goodwill, justice, protection, power, passion, purity, or leadership. You can have it small and subtle or large and detailed, making it an excellent choice for any part of your body.

4. Portrait of Darth Vader

Portrait of Darth VaderArm and leg Portrait of Darth Vader tattoos. Photo: @blacksailstattoostudio, @ForLifeTattooStudio2015 on Facebook (modified by author)Source: UGC

Darth Vader is an iconic villain in the series, and it is no surprise that the symbol is popular among Star Wars fans. The tattoo not only represents the character but also embodies the complexities of human nature with mixed emotions, traits, and connections. It’s also an inspiration, reminding you of inner resilience.

5. Baby Yoda (Grogu)

Baby YodaBaby Yoda tattoo variations on arms. Photo: @robrichardsontattooartist, @BlackRelicTattoo on Facebook (modified by author)Source: UGC

You have probably seen one of the charming Baby Yoda tattoos, which are popular. Also known as Grogu, this little creature symbol is adorable and has won the hearts of many Star Wars fans. It represents wisdom, intelligence, and magic and has multiple variations, such as cute, cartoonish, and realistic designs.

6. Millennium Falcon

Millennium FalconColoured and 3D Millennium Falcon tattoo designs. Photo: @IronAgeTattoo, @WanderlustTattooCo on Facebook (modified by author)Source: UGC

The Millennium Falcon is a recognisable ship in the series and a fascinating subject for Star Wars fans. Has Solo guides the spacecraft and has been used to win multiple battles. The tattoo represents adventure, resilience, independence, and resistance.

7. Princess Leia’s silhouette

Princess Leia’s SilhouetteVariations of Princess Leia’s Silhouette tattoos on arms. Photo: @inkandhoneytattoos on Facebook (modified by author)Source: UGC

This feminine tattoo is perfect for women who love the Star Wars character Princess Leia. It has different designs, but the silhouette is the most common. It stands for feminine strength, empowerment, and resistance. Some have it as a tribute to Carrie Fisher, who played the role and was known for championing mental health and feminism.

8. The Jedi Order symbol

The Jedi Order symbolArms bearing The Jedi Order symbol tattoos. Photo: @BrielleTattoo, @privatestocktattoo on Facebook (modified by author)Source: UGC

This Star Wars tattoo features two wings with a lightsaber between them. It is cool body art symbolising peace, justice, and a balance between the spiritual and physical worlds. This symmetrical design can be placed as a small tattoo on your neck or wrist.

9. The Mandalorian helmet

The Mandalorian helmetDifferent designs of The Mandalorian helmet tattoos on arms. Photo: @tattoosbyvinnyfiorenzo, @libbynixtattoo on Facebook (modified by author)Source: UGC

The Mandalorian helmet is another popular Star Wars symbolising the Mandalorian culture in the series. It depicts the Mandalorian warrior spirit and its protective elements. The tattoo represents strength, honour, and a sense of individuality.

10. R2-D2 and C-3PO duo

R2-D2 and C-3PO DuoThe R2-D2 and C-3PO Duo tattoos on the wrist and upper arm. Photo: @jamesmorgantattoos. (modified by author)Source: UGC

The symbol of the two droids from Star Wars is a classic tattoo choice. The duo stands out in the series, and many admire them for their strong bond and coordination. It is a great choice for couples who want to show their love for the science fiction franchise. They symbolise loyalty and friendship.

11. Kylo Ren’s lightsaber

Kylo Ren’s LightsaberDifferent designs of Kylo Ren’s Lightsaber tattoos on legs. Photo: @starwarsink, @themutinytattoocompany on Facebook (modified by author)Source: UGC

Kylo Ren’s unique weapon of choice is the lightsaber, which has a distinctive crossguard and represents his allegiance to the dark side. The tattoo symbol represents authority and a struggle with inner turmoil.

12. Yoda’s wisdom quote

In the series, Master Yoda has many quotes which many Star Wars fans memorise. The most popular one is “Do or do not. There is no try.” It is an iconic quote that has been used as a tattoo by many, and it motivates people to live their lives and do their best.

13. The Death Star

The Death StarThe Death Star tattoos on a leg and arm. Photo: @StitchAsylumTattoos, @lineartattoonz on Facebook (modified by author)Source: UGC

In the Star Wars franchise, The Death Star is a weapon in the form of a massive space station capable of destroying the entire planet. The tattoo has intricate details, including geometric and industrial art. As its name suggests, it stands for death, the end of time, and hope for a new beginning.

14. Boba Fett’s armor

Boba Fett’s ArmorBoba Fett’s Armor tattoos on upper arms. Photo: @TheAbbeyTattoo, @mattktattoos on Facebook (modified by author)Source: UGC

Boba Fett’s armor is a customised war suit worn by the character Boba Fett, who later became a bounty hunter. It comprises a helmet, a cuirass, vambraces with wrist blades, and a Z-6 jetpack. The symbol depicts loyalty to the Mandalorian culture, protection, and connection to legacy.

15. Porgs

PorgsMulti-colour and grayscale Porgs tattoos on arms. Photo: @PorgNation, @reevetatt00 on Facebook (modified by author)Source: UGC

Porg is an adorable bird-like creature introduced in The Last Jedi episode of the series. Due to its cuteness, many fans of the series and nature lovers consider it a great Star Wars tattoo choice. The symbol depicts lightheartedness, companionship, and quirkiness.

16. Han Solo’s blaster

Han Solo’s BlasterCalf and thigh Han Solo’s Blaster tattoos. Photo: @JennieTiesman, @EmporiumTattooSolihull on Facebook (modified by author)Source: UGC

Star Wars character Han Solo wielded his iconic DL-44 blaster pistol. The weapon is a popular symbol among the franchise’s fans; some have tattooed it. It represents a rebellious spirit, adventurous nature, and connection to the series.

17. The Sith Eternal symbol

The Sith Eternal symbol represents devotion to the dark side of the Force and is often depicted by dagger-like symbols and geometric designs. This striking tattoo idea stands for power and revenge.

18. Chewbacca’s bandolier

Chewbacca’s bandolierChewbacca’s bandolier tattoos on upper arms. Photo: @inkneticstudio, @AlonzoVilla on Facebook (modified by author)Source: UGC

The character Chewbacca often wears his signature bandolier over his shoulder in many series episodes. As a result, the bandolier has become a favourite Star Wars symbol among fans. The bandolier represents loyalty, friendship, and readiness to fight.

19. Padmé Amidala’s queenly gown

Padmé Amidala’s queenly gownColoured and grayscale Padmé Amidala’s queenly gown tattoos on the arms. Photo: @ajemtattoo, @traenensammler.tattoo on Facebook (modified by author)Source: UGC

Padmé Amidala, the queen and senator of Naboo, is recognised by her unique and elegant gown. Many believe that her intricately decorated gown depicts courageous leadership. The queenly gown has become one of the most liked Star Wars tattoo ideas.

20. Stormtrooper helmet

Stormtrooper HelmetVariations of Stormtrooper Helmet tattoo on upper arms. Photo: @wintertattoostudio, @tattoosbykylie13 on Facebook (modified by author)Source: UGC

Stormtroopers have been a major subject of Star Wars, and their signature helmets have always stood out. They signify the ultimate revolution of troops and soldiers of the Galactic Republic. The Stormtrooper Helmet tattoo represents power and military.

21. Obi-Wan Kenobi’s lightsaber

Obi-Wan Kenobi’s LightsaberPersonalised arm and leg Obi-Wan Kenobi’s lightsaber tattoos. Photo: @theinkfactoryireland, @KyleMtattoo on Facebook (modified by author)Source: UGC

Obi-Wan Kenobi’s third lightsaber was the final one to be constructed. He used the weapon during multiple battles, including the Clone Wars and the Great Jedi Purge. This Star Wars tattoo symbol represents peace, justice, and the spirit of a guardian.

22. TIE Fighter and X-Wing battle

TIE Fighter and X-Wing BattleShoulder and lower arm TIE Fighter and X-Wing Battle tattoos. Photo: @alieninktattoosnj, @StarwarsInk on Facebook (modified by author)Source: UGC

One of the most memorable wars in the science fiction series is the battle between TIE Fighter and X-Wing. The fight pits two major sides, the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance, in a show of might. It represents the struggles between good and evil.

23. Jabba the Hutt’s throne room

Jabba the Hutt and his throne room are another popular Star Wars tattoo among fans of the series. This unique tattoo can be personalised in multiple ways to suit individual preferences. It stands for moral complexity, dominance and defiance.

24. Ewok village

Ewok VillageAn arm Ewok Village tattoo. Photo: @TheTattooedEwok on Facebook (modified by author)Source: UGC

Ewok village is one of the most memorable places in Star Wars. It is located high in the trees and embodies simplicity and tranquillity. This tattoo symbol represents unity, connection to nature, and triumph.

25. Darth Maul’s face

Darth Maul’s FaceLower arm tattoos of Darth Maul’s Face. Photo: @bri55555, @mattiabraga.tattoo on Facebook (modified by author)Source: UGC

The Darth Maul’s Face has features of the Sith Lord. It is a fearsome visage with horns and shows devotion to the dark side. Apart from showing a connection with the series, the tattoo represents strength, rebellion, and warrior spirit.

26. The Mythosaur skull

The Mythosaur SkullArm The Mythosaur Skull tattoos. Photo: @tattoosbymoonlight, @TattoosbyMarkTyler on Facebook (modified by author)Source: UGC

This minimalistic tattoo design is usually associated with Mandalorian culture. It is a symbol of pride and heritage in the culture. The tattoo boldly displays your admiration for Mandalorian lore. It stands for strength, resilience, and warrior heritage.

27. The Clone Trooper helmet

The Clone Trooper HelmetDifferently personalised The Clone Trooper Helmet tattoos on arms. Photo: @Arkaytattoo, @gurogomi on Facebook (modified by author)Source: UGC

Clones are usually identical, but their unique helmets can distinguish them. This tattoo design is a tribute to the Clone Troopers for their sacrifice during the Clone Wars. It represents commitment to duty, loyalty, and unity of purpose.

28. BB-8

BB-8 tattooLeg and arm tattoos of BB-8 droid. Photo: @FrankmillersArt, @kennywardtattoos on Facebook (modified by author)Source: UGC

BB-8 in Star Wars is a cheerful and loyal droid whose personality resonates with many who love friendship. Its tattoo design is an excellent choice, representing ingenuity, curiosity, and a sense of adventure. This eye-catching body art can be placed on arms or legs.

29. Yin Yang

Yin YangA Yin Yang Star Wars tattoo on an arm. Photo: @marymadsentattoos on FacebookSource: UGC

In Star Wars, Yin Yang represents the light and dark sides of the Forces. This symbol depicts duality in the saga, where characters struggle to choose between good and evil. This tattoo design might include other characters, such as Jedi and other iconic symbols.

30. Ahsoka Tano

Ahsoka TanoArm and leg Ahsoka Tano tattoos. Photo: @Arkaytattoo, @Chrisadkinstattoos on Facebook (modified by author)Source: UGC

Ahsoka Tano is a self-defined warrior who came from a Jedi Padawan. Many people admire his growth journey, particularly his courage and determination. This Star Wars tattoo represents independence, resilience, and commitment to a worthwhile course.

Although there are many Star Wars-inspired tattoos, the most popular designs include characters such as Darth Vader, Yoda, Princess Leia, and Luke Skywalker. Prominent symbols are the Millennium Falcon, X-Wing, and Death Star, while creatures are Baby Yoda (Grogu) and Ewoks.

Which Star Wars tattoos are for guys?

Men love tattoo designs that are bold, action-oriented, and edgy. In Star Wars, many characters and symbols match the characteristics, including Kylo Ren, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Millennium Falcon, TIE Fighters or X-Wings, and Mandalorian Crest.

Where is the best place to put a Star Wars tattoo?

The sign of a tattoo and your privacy preference determine where to place it. If you do not want to showcase the tattoo, you can have it in places covered by clothes. Small designs can be placed on the ear, wrist, or neck, while large designs can be on the back, chest, or thigh. Medium designs can be on the forearm or leg.

Can Star Wars tattoos be customised?

You can personalise the tattoos to suit your preference. For instance, you can add inspirational quotes or combine them with another Star Wars tattoo.

Getting the tattoos for personal use does not raise any copyright concerns. However, using them for commercial purposes can be an issue. Ensure you choose images that do not infringe copyright.

You can choose from several Star Wars tattoo ideas to show your love for the science fiction franchise. The designs are versatile and, therefore, suit both men and women. You can also customise them to achieve your preference by adding colours, words, and other symbols unrelated to Star Wars.

TheTalk.NG recently published a compilation of meaningful African tribal tattoos. These tattoos are an excellent way to express yourself and showcase your love for tribal culture.

African tribal tattoos represent multiple things, including age group, courage, and bravery. For a long time, they have been used by different African communities to express culture, art, and heritage. If you consider having an African tribal tattoo, check out this article for incredible designs.

Source: TheTalk.NG

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